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Austin's Wildlife Removal Services


2541 S Interstate 35 Ste 200, PMB 304

About Austin's Wildlife Removal Services

Category: Pest Control

At Austin’s Wildlife Removal Services, we know Texas and we know the critters that can get into your home. We are experts in residential and commercial animal control, animal removal, repair and restoration. AWRS offers a variety of animal removal services to eliminate animal problems and prevent animals from getting back in. We handle the removal of armadillos, bats, opossums, raccoons, rats, mice, skunks, squirrels, and more. We provide poison free rodent elimination for your home. We also do animal proofing. All animal proofing is completed in a craftsman-like manner using the highest quality materials. AWRS specializes in animal proofing homes with tiled roofs and offers a guarantee on all work.


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