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Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control


Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control - Austin, TX, USA

8060 US-290

About Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control

Category: Pest Control

Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control is a professional pest control company serving the greater Austin, Texas area. Barefoot offers effective, long-lasting pest control solutions so you can reclaim your home and enjoy being outdoors again.

Barefoot’s primary services include pest control, mosquito control, flea and tick control, fire ant control, bed bug control, and termite control. Barefoot’s general pest control service covers some of the most common pests in Austin such as American cockroaches, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, crickets, silverfish, earwigs, moths, centipedes, spiders, rodents, ants, and beetles.

While many other pest control services claim to kill mosquitoes or at least keep them away, there are usually two main problems with other mosquito control solutions. First, most are very temporary solutions that don’t last long. Second, many mosquito sprays for yards are packed with pesticides that are dangerous to your family and pets. The Barefoot mosquito control system solves these two big problems. Barefoot’s mosquito treatment is a 99% natural solution and effectively keeps mosquitoes away for up to 30 days.

For more information, please call Barefoot today at 512-400-2008 or visit www.barefootmosquito.com to learn more.


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