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Click to show Haiyan Yoli Electronics Co., Ltd - Jiaxing, ACT, Australia

Haiyan Yoli Electronics Co., Ltd


Haiyan Yoli Electronics Co., Ltd - Jiaxing, ACT, Australia

:Dianzhuang Community, Wanghai Street, Haiyan County
Australian Capital Territory
Fax/Alt Phone

About Haiyan Yoli Electronics Co., Ltd

Category: Cable & Satellite, Internet And Telecom, Security Systems

Haiyan Yoli Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in 2010 and is located in Dianzhuang Community, Yuantong Street, Haiyan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China. It is a limited liability company mainly engaged in communication cable, video cable, audio cable, computer cable and security cable. At present, the main production products are: boundary cable(With patent) , speaker cable, telephone cable, microphone cable, alarm cable and other kinds of wires and cables, but also engaged in power electronic components, wires and cables manufacturing, processing, wholesale and retail projects. The company is facing the national market, and its customers are foreign trade companies, major audio factories, communication equipment companies, etc.


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