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InfoGlobalData - Seattle, WA, USA

1752 NW Market St #4523

About InfoGlobalData

Category: Business Services

Connect with highly influential decision-makers across the globe using InfoGlobalData’s authentic hospital email lists. We extract the data from 16, 000+ sources, including medical conferences, hospital data, and government records. Our data is verified in a stringent 7-step procedure and manual quality checks to ensure optimum email deliverability. We frequently update the Hospital Mailing List with the latest information and discard duplicate data. The databases are segmented according to similarities in characteristics to make sending personalized messages easier. You can customize the hospital contact list from over 35 data fields and redirect your messages to the right recipients. We have 100% permission-passed contacts to drive successful campaigns. Benefit from our thoroughly verified data-

• 85-90% deliverability guarantee
• 100% phone-verified data
• Global data researchers from 10+ countries
• Complete data ownership
• Privacy compliant- GDPR, Anti-spam

Our former clients have spoken highly of our services and returned to repeat business. You may visit our official website to read their feedback for confirmation. Purchase our high-quality hospital email addresses to increase your ROI and grow your business.


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