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Click to show Local Living Wairoa - All Of New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand

Local Living Wairoa

All Of New Zealand
New Zealand

Local Living Wairoa - All Of New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand

148 Marine Parade Wairoa, Hawkes Bay 4108 New Zealand.
All Of New Zealand

About Local Living Wairoa

Category: Fashion Accessories - Wholesale

We run a small business Local Living. We are located on the East coast of NZ in the small town of Wairoa with just 4500 locals. Our town doesn't have many shops so we try to provide a variety of products from knitting/sewing supplies, baby clothing, toys, Manchester to women’s clothing, footwear and more. When Covid hit we realized it was time for us to build a website and have an online presence for the convenience of our locals as well as share our diverse range of products nationwide. We have now been online for 2 years! It’s all new to us being online and we are both learning as we go along - an exciting and challenging experience for us both.


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