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Click to show Ningbo HICON Industry Co. Ltd. - Abbotsford, AB, Canada

Ningbo HICON Industry Co. Ltd.


Ningbo HICON Industry Co. Ltd. - Abbotsford, AB, Canada

No. 77 Sihai Avenue,Simen Town Yuyao

About Ningbo HICON Industry Co. Ltd.

Category: Accounting

The company is a national high-tech enterprises, China export quality and safety demonstration enterprises, Zhejiang provincial engineering technology research center, Zhejiang patent demonstration enterprises, Zhejiang province science and technology progress award, the first batch of Ningbo city innovation development demonstration enterprise, won the brand-name products in Zhejiang Province, A Well-Known Trademark in China, taxpayer and the honorary title, and won the national special funds to support. Take several national Torch Program projects, including national and provincial new products a number of new products.


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