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POINTTS™ Barrie - The Traffic Ticket Specialists


POINTTS™ Barrie - The Traffic Ticket Specialists - Barrie, ON, Canada

30 Quarry Ridge Rd, Barrie, ON L4M 7G1, Canada
L4M 7G1

About POINTTS™ Barrie - The Traffic Ticket Specialists

Category: Legal

We Fight Ontario Traffic Ticket Offences. For over 36 groundbreaking years, POINTTS™ The Traffic Ticket Specialists® has been committed to providing quality legal representation to over a million satisfied clients.
We provide professional, affordable representation to motorists charged under various provincial traffic laws.We can help you avoid fines, demerit points, hefty insurance premiums or licence suspension.
Our Mission:
To facilitate equal access to justice by providing the Canadian driver with an affordable, clear, competent and knowledgeable voice in traffic court.
Personalized & Strategic Plan to fight your Offence.
Call (888) 787-0260 for a FREE Consultation.
Office visits are by Appointment Only.


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