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Szentes Concrete



About Szentes Concrete

Category: Concrete Contractors

We'll Guide You Start to Finish. Szentes Concrete located in Peoria Illinois brings with them over 25 years of experience in the concrete business. We are here to help you with any project, large or small, from start to finish. We have expertise in all types of concrete work including new driveways, repairing and replacing existing driveways, parking lot repairing and replacement, excavating and placing footings, foundations block or poured, decorated patios or walks, retaining walls, new garage and shed floors, septic systems, basement floors and much, much more Let our experience work for you. Our professional staff will come meet with you in person, or in many cases give you an over the phone estimate. -Driveways-Parking Lot Repair-Footings-Foundations-Patios-Retaining Walls -Garage & Shed Floors-Septic Systems-Basement FloorsGive us a call to day and see why friends and family recommend Szentes Concrete


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