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Click to show TPD Claims Lawyers - Brisbane City, QLD, Australia

TPD Claims Lawyers

Brisbane City

TPD Claims Lawyers - Brisbane City, QLD, Australia

123 Charlotte Street
Brisbane City

About TPD Claims Lawyers

Category: Law - Legal

TPD Claims Lawyers (TCL) is the main Carter Capner Law group that has maintained its historical strength by meeting the wants of a myriad of people. From individuals with disadvantaged backgrounds to those responsible for substantial commercial interests. Today Peter Carter leads the practice that continues to offer personal service to clients across Queensland and across the world.

In regards to TPD insurance claims, no body is more dedicated than our TPD Claims lawyers! To ensure that all aspects are explored, all total disablement superannuation claims are assessed by a group of highly qualified TPD lawyers, including the legal Practice Director. Our legal services include:

- TPD Superannuation Claims
- Life Insurance / Death Benefit Claims
- Insurance Protection Claims
- Permanent Impairment Claims

Contact our TPD Claims Lawyers by sending us a contact and we'll be in touch shortly, or phone between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Monday to Friday — we'd be delighted to speak.

Business Since: 2021
Business Hours: Monday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm, Tuesday to Thursday 7:30 am – 6:00 pm, Friday 7:30 am – 5:00 pm


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