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Troop Industrial - Pasadena Location, Serving Beaumont and Port Arthur Area



921 West Pasadena Fwy, # A

About Troop Industrial - Pasadena Location, Serving Beaumont and Port Arthur Area

Category: Oil Field Equipment Supplier

Founded in 1999, Troop Industrial expanded from the back of the owner’s house, as a small fastener supplier, to a premier distributor of name brand construction products with a strong emphasis on fasteners, structural bolting products, stud bolts, gaskets, civil construction supplies, fire foam, and related products across the Gulf Coast and North America. A veteran-owned business offering an extensive array of essential construction products, on the shelf, for same day delivery in most cases. Troop Industrial has a strong military culture and a no excuse approach to service. When you have a dedicated partner like Troop Industrial on your side, there is comfort knowing you have the strength of industry experience, strong resources, and a dedicated 911 response Team a phone call away - 24/7/365.


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