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Click to show Zhejiang VOB Technology Co., Ltd. - 21 Edgar Street, ACT, Australia

Zhejiang VOB Technology Co., Ltd.

21 Edgar Street

Zhejiang VOB Technology Co., Ltd. - 21 Edgar Street, ACT, Australia

423 Busen Avenue,Fengqiao Industrial Zone
21 Edgar Street
Australian Capital Territory

About Zhejiang VOB Technology Co., Ltd.

Category: Manufacturers

Company covers an area of 40 acres, covers an area of 26666 square meters, points including stamping, diecasting, CNC finishing, assembly workshop. Company comprehensive practice of modern enterprisemanagement system, through the ISO/TS 16949 quality management certification, the height of productioninformation. Among them, 6 senior engineers, 14 management, and more than 200 workers.

Company annual production can: the brake chamber 1000000pcs, brake valve 2000000 pcs, slack adjuster 700000pcs.Annual output value over 100000000 yuan.


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