About 14th Precinct Pub
14th Precinct Pub, which is based at 1401 Rawson Ave, South Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53172-1940 comes under our Government and Public Services category under Government Offices-County. Find-Us-here.com has many thousands of organizations that fall into the Government and Public Services section. They include, for example, social services, consumer affairs, emergency services or other services like taxes, law enforcement and many more. In fact there are 301 different subcategories in the Government & Public Services section at Find-Us-here.com, like Magistrates - Courts, Officials, Government Offices-Federal, Domestic Abuse Information & Treatment, Fire Departments, United States Postal Service and many more. Here at Find-Us Here.com, you will discover all the public services available in South Milwaukee or more widely in Wisconsin.
14th Precinct Pub's phone number is 4147626823
1401 Rawson Ave
South Milwaukee
Tel: 4147626823