About Angie Riechers Hypnotherapy
With Angie Riechers Hypnotherapy, you can book hypnotherapy appointments in person in Tucson, Arizona, or online without location restrictions.
Combining my personal experiences with exceptional training from The Hypnotherapy Academy of America, I possess the tools and expertise to make a positive difference in your life.
Angie Riechers Hypnotherapy Services Include:
Behavior Modification
This helps clients identify and modify unwanted habits, behaviors, or addictions through the power of suggestion and positive reinforcement during hypnosis.
(*addictions do not include drugs or alcohol)
Hypnotherapy for Healing - Pain Management
We use hypnosis to help clients manage and reduce chronic pain. Hypnosis can change how pain is perceived, promote relaxation, and improve the mind-body connection.
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss
This aids in assisting individuals in achieving their weight management goals by addressing underlying psychological factors, promoting healthier eating habits, and increasing motivation for exercise.
Hypnotherapy For Stopping Smoking
This helps individuals quit smoking by using hypnosis to modify their subconscious associations with smoking, reduce cravings, and reinforce their commitment to becoming a non-smoker.
Phobia Resolution
This specializes in using clinical hypnotherapy to treat phobias, fears, and traumatic-related issues by accessing the subconscious mind to reframe negative experiences and desensitize individuals to triggering stimuli.
Confidence and Self-Esteem Boosting
This helps individuals enhance their self-confidence and self-esteem by addressing underlying limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, fostering a positive self-image, and promoting self-empowerment through hypnotherapy.
Performance Enhancement
This type works with athletes, performers, and professionals to improve performance in their respective fields by utilizing hypnosis to enhance focus, concentration, motivation, and visualization skills.
Hypnotherapy for Anxiety
This will assist individuals in managing stress, anxiety, and related symptoms by inducing a deep state of relaxation and helping them develop coping strategies and techniques.
Confidence and Self-Esteem Boosting
This helps individuals enhance their self-confidence and self-esteem by addressing underlying limiting beliefs and negative.
8230 E Broadway Blvd, Suite P3